My name is Bérangère and I live in the North of France. I always saw my mom knitting and it was with her that I learned the basics of knitting as a child.
After a while without touching a needle, I started knitting again when my first child arrived, then discovered, thanks to internet and ravelry, the many possibilities to make the knitting more pleasant (by removing seams no example, a moment that many of us dread). I started to create my own models of shawls and clothes, nice to knit and easy to wear.
I want to share the well-being that brings a moment in the company of his needles by proposing models well explained. What happiness when a person tells me to have knitted his first shawl thanks to one of my models!
Why L’ILE AUX FILS (aka Lilofil)?
Little, my three children loved to dress up. We had Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Mini Pirate. Time flies … Peter Pan prepares to be a doctor, Tinker Bell to pass his Bac and Mini Pirate always dreams of becoming a professional basketball player!
Knitting is your passion?
Yes, I love wool, needlework, juggling colors and materials. I learned to knit from 5 years old.
Tell us about the adventures of L’ILE AUX FILS
I immersed myself in the blogosphere of designers and passionate needlework in 2006. Needless to say, I created my first models and shared them on Ravelry. In 2011, the DreamStripes shawl model was very popular, which made me want to continue. Today, I always try to share my passion, continue to make beautiful meetings, and please people who follow me on the networks.